Change your password

In this article, we'll explain step by step how to set a new password to your Slide account.

1. Open the Slide by IIM App and click on "Forgot password".

2. Fill out the email address that you're using for Slide and click on "Send".

3. Now open the inbox of your email and open the "Reset Password" email. Click on "Reset Password". 

Are you not seeing the email? Please check your spam.
Also double-check if you filled out the correct email address.

4. Now choose your new password.

Make sure to use:

- A minimum of 8 characters
- At least 1 capital letter
- At least 1 number

Now click on "Reset Password".

If everything was filled out correctly, you'll see the following screen:

5. Now go back to the Slide App.

You can log in with your new password:

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