How to create an IFTTT Applet

In this article, we'll explain step by step how to create an IFTTT Applet and how to link it to Slide.

We'll use the Weather Underground integration to create a trigger for the curtains to close when the current UV index rises above a certain level. The ultraviolet (UV) index is the international standard measurement of the strength of the sun at a particular time and place. 

This integration is ideal for summertime. Automatically closing the curtains when the sun is at its strongest is perfect for keeping your house cool. 

To add this feature to your own Slide, we'll have to walk through a bunch of steps. This will only take a few minutes:

1. Download the IFTTT app in the Apple Store or Android Store and create an account.

2. Click on " Create" to start making an Applet.

3. First we add the Weather Underground trigger, by clicking on "If This  [Add]"

4. Now search for, or choose the feature you'd like to add. In this case, we click on the Weather Underground button

5. Choose a trigger. We will go for "Current UV index rises above".

6. Complete the trigger fields. 

We'll let the trigger activate when the UV index reaches a higher level than 6 (Click here for an overview of the UV index).
We use the map to indicate the right location. 

Now click on " Create trigger"

7. We've configured the "If This" statement. Now let's add the Slide trigger. 

Start by clicking on "Then That    [Add]"

8. Search for "Slide" and click the button.

9. Choose an action to perform when the trigger is activated. We will choose "Close curtains" to keep the sun out.

10. In this step we'll connect our Slide account to the IFTTT (this can be skipped if you've already done so)

Click on "Connect" to link your Slide account and to authorize IFTTT to access and control your Slide device(s).

11. Now use the drop-down to choose the device you'd like to control with the trigger. 

Finish by clicking "Create action"

12. In the following screen, we see the "If This, Then That" statement that we created.

Click "Continue"

13. In the next screen you can decide to receive a notification when the trigger is activated. Use the button on the right to switch notifications on or off. 

Then click "Finish"

And that's it! You've now configured a trigger for your curtains. Use IFTTT to get the most out of your smart curtains by linking them to a wide range of devices, services and integrations.

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